What’s So Great about an ADR Approach?

Alternative Dispute Resolution, or ADR, is an approach to resolving disputes without engaging in the resource-draining process of litigation. ADR practitioners help individuals engaged in conflict reach agreements without involving the court, or involving the court less. This keeps the decision making power with the parties, instead of abdicating that power to a judge. Divorce Coaching is recognized as an ADR practice by the American Bar Association (ABA). According to the ABA, “divorce coaching is a flexible, goal-oriented process designed to support, motivate, and guide people going through divorce to help them make the best possible decisions for their future, based on their particular interests, needs, and concerns (2024).”

Litigation should be considered a last resort, as it takes the decision making responsibility from the parties (who will experience the consequences) and delegates it to the court. ADR processes work best when clients have the skills and resources needed to manage conflict. Clients need the ability to gather information, organize data, communicate effectively, establish effective boundaries, regulate emotions, and to engage in reality testing, flexible thinking, strategic planning, self-awareness, and cognitive empathy. A DCA® Certified ADR Divorce Coach helps clients learn these skills, increasing the probability of successfully using ADR processes and avoiding higher cost alternatives. As a bonus, working with a divorce coach is cost effective. It allows clients to employ higher cost professionals according to their specialties, and not as a one-stop shop.

Getting Started!

Step 1:

Book a free consultation so we can meet, determine your location in the process, and I can answer any question you have. We can also discuss which payment option works best for your needs. Use the schedule button at the top right of this page to book your free consultation.

Step 2:

Book your sessions, and let’s get started by getting a clear picture of where you are and where you want to go. We will work together to create the steps and strategy to reach your goals.

Step 3:

Stay the course! We will assess and reflect at each session so we can identify roadblocks and patterns. We’ll practice effective communication, emotional regulation, reality testing, and create boundaries that will benefit you for the rest of your life.

Step 4:

Practice and master the skills that you’ve learned, allow your strong sense of awareness to be your truest friend, take care of you first by following through on your strategies and processes. This is the work of awareness and responsibility that has a transformational impact on your life, and the lives of those you love.